Slacker's Guide To Stand Mixers

KitchenAid KSM150PSER Introduction

Several Years ago, most houses opted to bake cakes and cookies at home and only
Occasionally bought from the shop. Many of these homes had an electric mixer of one
type or another. As time progressed

store bought and a small quantity was made at home.
Reversing and now many homes bake to a degree or other and one kitchen tool that
has made a comeback is the pedestal mounted mixer -- the KitchenAid KSM150PSER
being a very good example of what is available today.

of place in a 1960s home. A Few of the colors in the range would also look quite at
That being said whilst the design may be retro the
Technology is right current.
The mixing attachments are updated from the very early designs to ensure that the all
While at the same time the beating
At the front of the mixer is a
power hub on which several optional attachments such as various style pasta makers
and a food grinder.
A very large 5 quart capacity stainless steel bowl provide enough volume for cake
Making or batch mixing of cookie dough in 1 go. Adding ingredients as the mixer is
operating is easy and mess free due to the included pouring shield. The 325 watt motor
Has 10 speed options ranging from a slow speed that's the equivalent of hand
beating a mix right up to high speed whisking.
Our KitchenAid KSM150PSER Review
Before the KitchenAid KSM150PSER is even ordered, one faces the rather bewildering
choice of which color to choose. There are over 20 to choose from. Before making the
Choice of some exotic color, just think about a few of the colors that were very fashionable
in the past and just look dated now. However, after much discussion in choosing a color
And ordering the mixer, 1 point that's a plus from the outset is the hassle free
Nothing gives one a negative start to anything new like having trouble extricating it from
the package. Although cosmetically the style is very retro, due to the technological
Improvements in motors and control systems the whole packages is smaller than premature
Designs with dimensions of just 16.4 x 16.3 x 11.2 inches and it weighs in at 22 lbs.
Which although is not too heavy it is heavy enough to ensure that it's stable when
mixing at higher speeds. A slightly annoying trend is to produce multiple language
Instruction books of which only 25% is related to a user. This means that there is
Another load of waste paper to store to make certain that the relevant parts are
available. However, that is a minor issue when the KitchenAid KSM150PSER is looked
at as a whole.
The important question though is how well does this work? The problem being with a
Mixer is that the mixing can be excellent but the end result such as a cake, can be
disastrous and it has nothing to do with the mixing ability of the machine. There are so
A number of different variables to be taken into account like the ingredients, the oven
temperature, the time etc., etc. suffice it to say that this machine was subjectively tested
in blending, whipping, mixing, besting and kneading and it passed them all with flying
colors. The machine performed well when a double mix was tried. The motor was not
Under any strain whatsoever and at high speed the KitchenAid KSM150PSER was perfectly
stable thanks in part to both the balance of the machine and the non-slip base.
Adding ingredients while the mixer is turning, even at higher speeds, is easy and clean
As a result of the included pouring guard. After use the KitchenAid KSM150PSER is easy to
Clean thanks to the removable parts being dishwasher safe. There are a number of
Accessories which may be bought that will fit on the KitchenAid KSM150PSER like an
ice cream or sorbet maker, a meat grinder a grain mill, for grinding your own flour, and a
pasta roller and cutter to make various shaped pasta including spaghetti and fettuccini.
There is also a ravioli maker that both seals and pinches your selected filling into neat
individual packages in one simple operation.
The true test of any tool is what users think of it after they have been using it for some
time. The KitchenAid KSM150PSER consistently rates very highly among several
thousands of users scoring over 4.7 out of 5. KitchenAid have been making mixers for
nearly 100 years and this machine is a culmination of all that experience.



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